When buying or selling a new home, many things need to taken care of such as getting insurance, arranging for movers, securing a mortgage, making upgrades or repairs and so on.
Our services for Sellers include staging services at no additional cost.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New England Properties is a Full Service Real Estate Brokerage. It also has affiliated companies that provide related services you may find valuable. These services are optional and we encourage you to shop around to find out more without cost or obligation. We'll be happy to answer questions on these optional services or you can click on the links below and find out more for yourself.
If you already have decided where to get your mortgage or prefer to look on your own, good for you. We think that is great and it is fine with us. It is often a good move and will not cost extra to check additional mortgage options, check out HomeServices Lending.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has an extensive set of information on financing that we encourage you to review.
If you already have an home insurance company you are happy with or an insurance broker you like to work with, fantastic. If you could use some help with insurance (not just your home's but also your car(s) and other lines), feel free to check out HomeServices Insurance . It can be advantageous to check your options.
Contact Me for any questions. Email or 860-305-8967